Antimicrobial and anthelminthic impacts of black cumin, pawpaw, and mustard seeds in livestock production and health

Antimicrobial and anthelminthic impacts of black cumin, pawpaw, and mustard seeds in livestock production and health. 1% MLP, (6) 2% GTP + 1% MLP, (7) no GTP + 2% MLP, (8) 1% GTP + 2% MLP and (9) 2% GTP + 2% MLP. Results The results revealed that the effect of added powders (2%) was significant and increased daily weight gain (DWG) and reduced feed conversion ratio (FCR) compared Mcl1-IN-12 to the control group during the grower and whole phases (< 0.05). On 35 days, the control and 2% GTP + 2% MLP treatment had the lowest and highest antibodies titre (total and immunoglobulin G [IgG]), respectively (< 0.05). The groups fed with 1% GTP + 1% MLP showed higher villus height (VH) compared to the control, 2% GTP + 1% MLP, 1% GTP + 2% MLP, and 2% GTP + 2% MLP groups (< 0.05). The ratio of the villus height to crypt depth (VH: CD) in treatments 1% GTP + no MLP, 2% GTP Mcl1-IN-12 + no MLP and 1% GTP + 1% MLP was significantly higher than the control treatment (< 0.05). Conclusions It was concluded that the addition of 2% GTP or MLP could improve humoral immune response and performance, and the addition of 1% GTP without MLP increased VH: CD in broilers. Keywords: broilers, green tea, immune response, intestinal morphology, mulberry leaf, performance 648 one\day\old Ross 308 broiler chickens were allocated to nine treatments with three levels of green tea or mulberry leaves powder for 42 days. The levels of green tea or mulberry leaves powder were 0%, 1% and 2%. The addition of 2% green tea leaf powder or mulberry leaf powder could improve humoral immunity and performance, and the addition of 1% green tea leaf powder without mulberry leaf powder increased villus height to crypt depth ratio. 1.?INTRODUCTION Nowadays, to increase the performance in the poultry industry as well as the production of chemical\free meat, the use of natural additives has been considered by broiler farmers. Herbal supplements containing antioxidants can improve growth performance and immune response in chickens (Romeo et?al., 2009). In order to improve production performance in livestock, leaves of Rabbit Polyclonal to CLCNKA medicinal plants (powder or extract), spices, and other related products are used as a substitute for antibiotics. These Mcl1-IN-12 compounds can to activate digestive enzymes and improve performance (Brenes & Roura, 2010). Tea (< 0 .05). 3.?RESULTS 3.1. Growth performance The results of DWG, DFI and FCR for the starter, grower, and finisher phases are indicated in Table?3. Different levels of GTP and MLP did not significantly affect DFI (> 0.05). However, the main effects of GTP and MLP were significant (< 0.05). Thereby, the groups receiving 2% GTP or MLP showed more DWG compared to the control group (< 0.05). However, no significant difference was observed between the groups receiving 1% and 2% GTP or MLP (during the grower and whole phases) (> 0.05). Regarding the main effects of GTP and MLP on FCR, the treatments receiving 2% GTP or MLP showed a better FCR compared to the control treatment (during the grower and whole phases) (< 0.05). The interactions were not significant (> 0.05). TABLE 3 Effects of different levels of green tea (GTP) and mulberry leaf powder (MLP) on the performance of broilers during the starter, grower and finisher phases. Value0.430.180.170.0020.870. (%)019.0825.311.3345.99b 69.421.51a 79.29142.791.8053.85b 90.361.68a 119.1325.171.3247.41ab 67.311.42b 79.35142.461.7954.36ab 89.481.66ab 219.1125.311.3247.69a 69.441.41b 79.63142.801.7954.58a 91.701.64b Value0.860.200.380.040.110.0060.380.700.420.020.090.03SEM0.0640.0610.0060.4990.7620.0220.1840.3260.0040.1830.2860.007Interaction effectsno GTP + no MLP18.9925.481.3444.3468.671.5578.98143.111.8153.1590.291.701% GTP + no MLP18.9425.141.3346.5370.641.5279.26142.861.8053.9990.751.682% GTP + no MLP19.3125.311.3147.1168.951.4779.63142.411.7854.4390.041.65no GTP + 1% MLP19.1525.101.3245.7367.671.4880.03143.231.7954.1089.911.661% GTP + 1% MLP19.2325.301.3247.2966.751.4178.99141.911.8054.1989.091.642% GTP + 1% MLP19.0225.121.3249.2067.511.3779.03142.231.8054.8089.441.63no GTP + 2% MLP19.1425.441.3346.8667.501.4579.93143.131.7954.4389.901.651% GTP + 2% MLP19.0025.391.3447.7667.761.4279.46142.661.7954.5089.771.652% GTP + 2% MLP19.1925.111.3148.4567.061.3879.50142.611.7954.7989.421.63 Value0. Open in a separate window a,bMeans within a column without a common superscript significantly differ (< 0.05). DWG: daily weight gain; DFI: daily feed intake; FCR: feed conversion ratio; SEM: standard error of mean. *0, 1, 2: different levels of GTP and MLP (%). 3.2. Carcass characteristics The results of carcass characteristics percentage at 42 days of age are presented in Table?4. Carcass characteristics were.