The lowest median level of NT Ab response was observed against the Omicron variant (1 : 10, interquartile range 1 : 10-1 : 40) with a significant reduced rate of responder subjects with respect to the wild-type strain (77

The lowest median level of NT Ab response was observed against the Omicron variant (1 : 10, interquartile range 1 : 10-1 : 40) with a significant reduced rate of responder subjects with respect to the wild-type strain (77.5% versus 95%; value <0.05 as statistically significant. immunoglobulin G antibody levels (<33.8 BAU/ml). The median level of SARS-CoV-2 Takinib NT Abs decreased and only 39/83 (47%) subjects showed maximum levels of NT Abs. T-cellular positive response was observed in 38/61 (62.3%) patients; the highest median level of response was observed 21 days after the third dose (354 mIU/ml, interquartile range 83.3-846.3 mIU/ml). The lowest median level of NT Ab response was observed against the Omicron variant (1 : 10, interquartile range 1 : 10-1 : 40) with a significant reduced rate of responder subjects with respect to the wild-type strain (77.5% versus 95%; value <0.05 as statistically significant. Data were described with the median and interquartile range (IQR) if continuous and as counts and percentage if categorical. Comparison between two groups was carried out using the MannCWhitney (unpaired samples) or Wilcoxon (paired samples) test whereas Spearmans test was used for the correlation analysis. Fishers exact test was used for the comparison of categorical variables. Results Patients characteristics The original study cohort14 consisted of 142 patients with solid tumor vaccinated with the third dose during active treatment (56 females and 86 males; median age 66 years; range 26-88 years). The current study included 83 patients with solid tumors (36 females and 47 males; median age 63 years, range 26-87 years) who were still on active treatment at the time of T2 (6 months after the third dose). A total of 43 patients (52%) had lung cancer, 15 (18%) had breast cancer, 8 (10%) had melanoma, 7 (8%) had gastrointestinal cancer, 6 (7%) had kidney cancer, Rabbit Polyclonal to DNA Polymerase lambda and the remaining 4 patients (5%) had head and neck cancer. In this follow-up paper, we were able to collect the samples, 6 months after the third dose, in only 83 patients out of 142. In particular, we excluded 59 patients: 6 patients refused the blood sample, 16 patients died, and 37 patients were no?longer on active therapy. A total of 46 patients (55%) were on immunotherapy alone, whereas 10 patients (12%) were on Takinib chemo-immunotherapy Takinib and 27 patients (33%) were on chemotherapy (Supplementary Table?S1, available at SARS-CoV-2 humoral response The levels of humoral immune response measured by anti-Trimeric S IgG were compared at the specified time points in the 83 patients. At baseline (T0, median 176 days, IQR 162-196 days after the first dose), 14/83 (16.9%) subjects tested negative for anti-Trimeric S IgG whereas all patients (except 1) showed a positive serological response after the third dose administration. Of note, 6 months after the third dose (T2) only two patients (2.4%) showed negative spike-specific IgG antibody levels (<33.8 BAU/ml). The median levels at T1 were Takinib significantly higher than those observed at T0 and T2; importantly the median level of response was significantly higher at T2 than at T0. Looking at SARS-CoV-2 NT Ab titers, 16/83 (19.3%) patients were negative at T0, whereas only 2/83 (2.4%) and 4/83 (4.8%) were negative at T1 and T2, respectively. In terms of SARS-CoV-2 NT Ab titers, the highest levels of response were observed at T1, with 48/83 (57.8%) patients showing NT Ab titers at the upper limit of detection of our assay (1 : 640). At T2, the median level of SARS-CoV-2 NT Abs decreased and only 39/83 (47%) subjects showed the maximum level of NT Abs. Overall, a good correlation between SARS-CoV-2 NT Ab titers Takinib and anti-Trimeric S IgG levels was observed at each time point (Figure?1). Open in a separate window Figure?1 Immune response elicited by the third dose of BNT162b2 vaccine measured at T0 (before the third dose administration), T1 (3 weeks after the third dose), and T2 (6 months after the third dose). Response was measured by (A) Trimeric S IgG level and.