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[PubMed] [Google Scholar] 49. expression in IMR\32 cells, but cisplatin failed to trigger TRAIL cytotoxicity. We downregulated N\myc expression in IMR\32 cells using N\mycCtargeting shRNA. These cells showed decreased growth rate and Bcl\2 expression accompanied by a moderate collapse in the mitochondrial membrane potential as compared with those treated with scrambled shRNA. TRAIL treatment in N\mycCnegative cells expressing caspase\8 following IFN\ treatment significantly brought on apoptotic cell death. Concurrent treatment with cisplatin enhanced TRAIL\mediated cytotoxicity, which was abrogated by an additional pretreatment with DR5:Fc chimera protein. Conclusions N\myc and caspase\8 expressions are involved in TRAIL susceptibility in IMR\32 cells, and the combination of treatment with cisplatin and TRAIL may serve as a promising strategy for the development of therapeutics against neuroblastoma that is controlled by N\myc and caspase\8 expression. oncogene is observed in approximately 20% of neuroblastomas and 45% of high\risk cases.3 amplification is strongly associated with poor outcome2, 4 and has been considered as C3orf13 the most important prognostic factor,5 which strongly correlated with advanced\stage disease and treatment failure. The deregulation of oncogene that regulates the expression of genes involved in several processes, including cell cycle,6, 7 proliferation,8, 9 differentiation10, 11 and apoptosis,6, 8, 10 is sufficient to drive the transformation of neural crest progenitor cells into neuroblastoma. Tumour necrosis factor (TNF)Crelated apoptosis\inducing ligand (TRAIL), also known as the Apo\2 ligand, is a member of TNF ligand superfamily that selectively induces apoptosis in a wide variety of transformed cell lines from diverse tissue types.12 TRAIL may induce apoptosis through its conversation with two of four membrane\bound receptors, namely death receptor 4 (DR4; TRAIL\R1) and DR5 (TRAIL\R2). These receptors bear a protein\protein interaction motif termed as the death domain name (DD).13, 14 The other two receptors, decoy receptor 1 (DcR1; TRAIL\R3) and DcR2 (TRAIL\R4), either lack the cytoplasmic or truncated DD. TRAIL induces receptor trimerization and conformational change in the intracellular DD, resulting in the recruitment of Fas\associated DD.15 This signals death through the formation of a death\inducing signal complex, which rapidly activates caspase\8. Caspase\8 mediates apoptosis either through the direct activation of the downstream effector caspases or by the cleavage of pro\apoptotic molecules such as B\cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl\2) homolog, Bid.16, 17 Studies have shown that anti\cancer drugs such as bortezomib,18, 19 etoposide20 and doxorubicin21 sensitized cancer cells to TRAIL\mediated death through the upregulation of DR expression. In particular, the upregulation of DRs by cisplatin affected TRAIL\induced apoptosis in many cancer types, such as squamous carcinoma,22 hepatocellular carcinoma23 and colon cancer.24 The mechanism underlying the upregulation of TRAIL receptors is variable. The activation or inhibition of nuclear factor kappa B (NF\B)20, 25 and/or extracellular signalCregulated kinase (ERK) 1/226, 27 may upregulate both DR4 and DR5, while p53 may mediate the upregulation of DR5 at transcriptional levels.28 In addition, chemotherapeutic agents may mediate the changes in the rate of receptor turnover at cell surface.29, 30 In this study, we investigated whether cisplatin treatment triggers TRAIL\mediated cytotoxicity in TRAIL\resistant IMR\32 neuroblastoma cells which exhibit amplification of oncogene and lack caspase\8 expression. Our data, for the first time, show that TRAIL susceptibility correlated with the expression levels of N\myc and caspase\8 in human neuroblastoma IMR\32 cells. The combination 21-Hydroxypregnenolone therapy of cisplatin and TRAIL is a promising 21-Hydroxypregnenolone strategy for treating neuroblastoma that is controlled by the expression of N\myc and caspase\8, and its use may provide important information for the development of additional potential therapeutic strategies to fight neuroblastoma. 2.?MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1. Reagents Cisplatin was purchased from Dong\A Pharm (Seoul, Korea) and NF\B activation inhibitor from Calbiochem (Darmstadt, Germany). Human recombinant TRAIL, Alamar Blue? and trypan blue were purchased from Life Technologies (Rockville, MD); 21-Hydroxypregnenolone interferon (IFN)\, human recombinant DR5/Fc chimera (DR5:Fc) protein and phycoerythrin (PE)\conjugated antibodies for DR4, DR5, DcR1 and DcR2, from R&D Systems (Minneapolis, MN); antibodies for N\myc, Bid, p27Kip1, p21Cip1/Waf1, caspase\3 and caspase\9, from Cell Signaling Technology (Danvers, MA); and antibodies for caspase\8, Bcl\2, Bax, poly(ADP\ribose) polymerase (PARP) and \actin, scrambled shRNA (Cat. No: sc\108080) as well as shRNA (Cat. No: sc\36003\V) lentiviral particles, and polybrene, from Santa Cruz Biotechnology (Santa Cruz, CA). Hoechst 33258 dye and puromycin were purchased from Sigma\Aldrich (St. Louis, MO), and tetramethylrhodamine ethyl ester perchlorate (TMRE) was purchased from Thermo Fisher Scientific (Waltham, MA). 2.2. Cell viability: Alamar Blue assay Human malignant neuroblastoma cell lines IMR\32 and.